Intel přináší zjednodušený nástroj pro práci v Microsoft Visual Studiu a C / C + + programování. Tento nástroj se nazývá Intel Paralelní Studio. Využitím více než 25 let zkušeností a odborných znalostí, umožňuje Intelu poskytnout pokročilý nástroj pro optimalizaci klientské aplikace. Aplikace umožňuje vytváření paralelních aplikací pro desktopy a uspět ve vícejádrovém odvětví průmyslu.

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New Case Study: Open CASCADE* Gives Customers Greater Performance with Intel® Parallel Studio.
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"Intel® Parallel Studio makes the new Envivio 4Caster Series Transcoder’s development faster and more efficient. Intel Parallel Studio globally speedsup our software products’ time-to-market."
– Eric Rosier
V.P. Engineering
"Here at Trading Systems Lab, we got a 10% to 20% performance boost in the multimode trading simulator that’s used in our TSL Algo Auto-Design Platform by using the C++ compiler in Intel Parallel Studio. The compatibility with Microsoft Visual C++* is great, and we’re looking forward to using more parallelism features in Parallel Studio."
– Mike Barna
Trading Systems Lab
"Intel® Parallel Inspector and Intel® Parallel Amplifier greatly simplified the task of finding hotspots and memory leaks. We were pleased with the 2X overall performance improvement and the elimination of several previously unidentified memory leaks."
– Vlad Romashko
Software Development Manager
OpenCascade S.A.S.